Cat's Bathing Box Set
LOGO Design + Brand Design + Product Design + Graphic Design
The main target consumers are people who have cats and are willing to spend for them.
For WHO?
This is a kit designed for cats. When people get their first cute kitten, they are often confused about what to buy for their kitten. Caring for pets is a learning curve, and this kit thoughtfully prepares cat owners with all the products they need for their cat's bathing care.
Products include Pet nail clippers, Ear wash, Shampoo, Conditioner, Comb, and Scissors.
Cartoonize the product diagram to make it more intuitive for consumers to understand the products included and add interest.
Use cartoon images to show how to use the product. Before the user opens the package they will be able to know what products are contained in each box.
Each box contains the name of the product inside and an interesting explanation about it.
Place the name of the product separately on the packaging to enhance the fun of the logo and the impression of the brand name to the consumers.
Products Display
​Products: Pet nail clippers, Ear wash, Shampoo, Conditioner, Comb, and Scissors.
Final Box Set
​Transparent plastic window to better display the product packaging